The Reedsy Writing App

As I am working on finishing my next book, I decided to try out a few free writing apps. I am hoping to find something with a bit more meat for authors than just a word processor. So, this time around, I’m moving my book to the Reedsy writing app. And so far, I am enjoying the platform.

Not only does Reedsy have a solid writing tool, but you also have a social profile page you can use to share as a link just about anywhere. And yes, this means you can amass followers.

I’m sure there are a lot of great apps out there for authors. But so far, this one is probably among my favorites.

Mostly because you can set writing goals and strive to finish the book.

Why Move Kingmaker to the Reedsy Writing App?

While I could just use LibreOffice to write my next book, I want something more that specifically helps authors. And after tangling with Kindle Create to publish “A Freelancer’s Tale,” I know there’s got to be better alternatives out there.

In this case, I’m glad I stumbled across Reedsy.

Formatting for the eBook is Easy

At any point, I can export the novel in ePub or PDF formats. Plus, Reedsy has a lot of text formatting tools to help me arrange the material that is perfect for both eBook and printed copies.

The only real downside to this is not having a preview option. I would love to see what my book would look like as a printed version.

Keep in mind that formatting for an eBook is a bit different than a paperback or hardcover. Depending on the content and how you have things laid out, it could look a little wonky in print.

I had to make several adjustments when publishing my first book for the paperback…and it still didn’t come out perfect. Then again, I am quite anal when it comes to my projects.

Reedsy has Built-in Front and Back Matter in the Writing App

Like Kindle Create, the Reedsy writing app comes with automatic front and back matter that you can customize to fit your needs. This includes things like the dedication, foreword, epilogue, and About the Author pages.

Platforms like this help me remember to add certain things to my book. While I highly doubt I’ll use some of these pages, many of them are quite useful.

With a flick of a switch, the page is inserted and ready for editing.

Setting Goals and Keeping Personal Deadlines

Perhaps the most prominent part of using the Reedsy writing app, at least for me, is the Goals & Insights window. This helps me keep track of my progress to ensure I’m done writing within a certain timeframe.

Better yet, the system will keep track of your writing in real-time, which can help you achieve the bare minimum of your goals to meet your deadline.

You can also look back at what days you were the most productive.

I’m a bit of a dork when it comes to numbers and keeping track of statistics. Something like this gamifies my writing by encouraging me to surpass my previous averages and most productive days.

Essentially, the word count is kind of like a score. Can I beat my “high score” while writing my book today?

Works Great with the Grammarly Chrome Extension

I use Grammarly quite often as the Chrome extension works in just about everything I do. From WordPress to Reedsy, it helps me catch errors as I type, which makes editing quite a bit easier.

Now, no grammar checking app is going to be 100% accurate. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find a human editor that is always correct. This means you need to pay attention to what automated systems want you to change.

Still, Grammarly has made a massive difference in the amount of time it takes me to edit when writing content. Or, even when editing my writing team’s work.

Will I Use Reedsy’s Other Services?

So, the primary reason why I’m using Reedsy is for the writing app and formatting tools. However, Reedsy also has a ton of services you can take advantage of, especially as a self-published author.

One of these days, when funding allows, I plan on seeing just how effective these services are in helping me produce a good book. In the case of Kingmaker, though, I am trying to determine how much I can do for self-publishing without spending a small fortune.

Seriously, I would love to see the book on my shelf without spending more than $4,000 just for an editor, which is a common price tag among many companies. I simply don’t have the finances for that.

I’m not sure how much editing Kingmaker would cost as you need to get quotes from professionals on Reedsy. For now, I’ll just see what I can do on the cheap.

In any case, I’m looking forward to using Reedsy’s services after I finish polishing up VII…which comes after I publish Kingmaker.

What Do You Think of the Writing App from Reedsy?

So far, I really like the Reedsy writing app. It’s not as buggy as Kindle Create, is easier to write in, and has the Goals & Insights window that I’m still geeking out about.

But like everything in life, everyone has their preferred methods.

Have you used Reedsy in the past? What is your favorite writing tool for your content?

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