Blogging Experiment 2

So, I am setting up my second blogging experiment. This time, it’s for a website that has absolutely no posts and only a single “About” page. I’m not really sure how this is going to work, but we need to get content up regardless.

Because this is the blog I am using for an experiment on the YouTube channel. And the next step to building a better blog is getting the content flowing.

I know, it’s probably a better idea if I pushed out content for the websites that actually have an audience. But, I’ve been maintaining a decent publishing schedule for those sites as of late.

So, I’m still getting content up while setting up this next experiment.

Blogging Experiment with

Practically Living Green is a blog I set up to demonstrate how you don’t have to be a member of Green Peace to recognize the benefits of being more “green” in your lifestyle.

I would like to bridge the gap between left and right political beliefs surrounding sustainability. After all, you could save a lot of money by living healthier.

At any rate, this particular blog is relatively new with absolutely no blog posts. This means the only traffic it currently gets is when I take a look at the page or if someone accidentally stumbles across the blog.

There’s nothing in Google search relating to the site.

Seeing How Long it Takes to Create a Money-Making Blog

Aside from bridging the eco-friendly gap, the purpose of the blog is to see if “expert” tips and advice work to build a blog to make money. Unlike my other blogs that have specific purposes, this one is purely for income.

Well, that and I am very interested in eco-friendlier living. This is the first step to building a blog to make money: finding a niche you can sustain writing about for the next 10 years.

According to some sources online, it’s possible for a blog to make up to $10,000 in the first year as long as it has three blog posts per week.

Honestly, I don’t believe that is entirely accurate. That’s because every niche is different and every instance is unique. Potential is much different than actual.

Setting Up the Workload for Others

To help me get this blogging experiment rolling, I am going to start delegating the workload. After all, I have four other blogs I am trying to develop throughout the week. Not to mention the work I do for GreenGeeks.

So, I really don’t have time to put into adding more projects onto my plate. But, it’s faster to read and edit the work of others before hitting the publish button.

I am working on the schedule and format today. So, hopefully, we can start getting content up starting tomorrow morning. Perhaps I’ll spend Sunday writing a few blog posts to schedule over time.

Need to Set Up the Social Profiles Still

Social media really doesn’t drive in a ton of traffic, not even for many of my clients. However, it’s more than just pulling in visitors when you think about the big picture.

Once we start monetizing, having a wider audience on social media will vastly improve our chances of bringing in some money. That, and having a reputation for eco-friendly living is a bonus.

Again, I’ll probably have to delegate this aspect as I’m already trying to balance three brands on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Using Bloggow?

In the last experiment, Bloggow approached me and asked if I’d use their platform to promote the blog. They followed my Twitter account and I’ve checked out their website.

It looks like a Pinterest-style mosaic layout while promoting blogs from others. So, I suppose it’s reminiscent of a hybrid between Pinterest and Blogarama.

Since Practically Living Green is starting from scratch, perhaps using Bloggow would be beneficial over the long-term. Anything to get the content in front of more eyes might be very helpful.

Is 30 Days Long Enough for a Blogging Experiment?

In the grand scheme of things, a 30-day block of creating content really doesn’t make that much of an impact. Especially with a newer website. After all, you’re missing all kinds of topics people are searching for right now.

But, this experiment isn’t about efficiency. It’s about collecting data. What is the overall impact of blogging for 30 days straight to any kind of blog? That’s what I’m hoping to answer.

Some Experts Say 90 Days

A lot of experts say you need to produce daily content for three solid months. But, if you listen to what kind of content you need, you’ll have to dedicate an incredible amount of time during that period.

For one thing, most experts tout how 2,400 words for a blog post is necessary to really drive in the traffic on the first page of Google. Then, it needs to be well-written and researched with quality information.

If you have a regular job, this is incredibly impractical. A blog post that long could take you anywhere from two to four hours depending on the topic.

Does Length of the Content Matter?

Speaking of length, one of the claims from experts that drives me nuts is, in fact, the 2,400-word limit. In reality, I’ve seen posts in the number one spot of Google that were less than 400.

That’s because the topic and niche play a vastly important role in Google search. The 2,400-word aspect is merely an average across multiple industries with massively varying topics.

So in reality, this claim is very misleading. It’s nothing more than a talking point to make them appear more authoritative.

The best length for your blog posts depends on your target audience.

Gaining Traction in Google Search Results

I’ve been working with websites and search engines since 1998. I’ve seen many engines come and go, RIP Lycos. And based on past experience, I’ve seen a variety of trends in how searching works in Google.

For example, a website that has a consistent flow of content ranks much higher as a whole. This means blog posts you wrote last year begin to see a much higher impression rate if you keep publishing content.

And, I’ve also noticed that it can take three to six months before posts you write today to really gain ground in organic search. Of course, this also depends on backlinks, search trends, social interaction, and a slew of other variables.

In general, though, don’t expect what you write today to be on the first page of Google tomorrow, especially if it’s an absolutely new website.

How Is Your Blogging Experiment Coming Along?

To be perfectly honest, I’m pretty excited about starting this new blogging experiment. It’s actually the first time I built a personal website for the sole purpose of making money.

Sure, I’ve help a lot of clients quadruple their traffic in less than 12 months. I’ve helped a lot of companies make tons of money. But this one is for me, and I’d like to make something out of the experience.

What are some of the goals you’re aiming for?

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